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Why Choose a Pawn Shop When Selling a Gun in Chesapeake?


A pawn shop is useful for many things. In particular, if you're interested in guns -- such as if you want to sell a gun -- you'll probably want to check out Chesapeake Pawn & Gun, right here in Chesapeake, Virginia. As your local dealer, the bottom line is that we will make you a cash offer for your gun. Get a higher price by choosing us instead of the other local gun stores...making top dollar offers is what we do. We don't just focus on occasional sales and's our specialty.

Firearm and candy canes

Selling a Gun is Easy at Chesapeake Pawn & Gun

​Perhaps you've been thinking about selling a gun for a while, but you were worried it would be a big hassle. Don't let that get in the way of getting rid of an unwanted firearm and getting the payment you deserve. We will handle the entire process for you -- just bring your gun and ID, and we'll take care of the rest. Don't worry about getting paid a lower price...we always pay top dollar!

A Pawn Shop Helps You Sell Your Gun Fast

If you've decided gun ownership isn't for you, or if you have a gun or two that you simply don't use, selling to us -- your licensed firearms dealer --  might just be a good idea. After all, if you're interested in selling fast, private sales aren't usually your best option. If you have been thinking about selling at a gun show, you could be worried about how long it will take before there is an upcoming gun show, or you could be worried about having to travel to a gun show elsewhere. Not only can you get paid a good price by selling to us, but you can sell fast. Bring your gun today, walk out with cash today. Making fast deals on firearms is our business model here!

Follow the Law: Pawn Shops vs. Private Sales

If you have more experience owning, handling, and shooting guns than selling them, you should know that private gun sales can be risky. You may not be up to date on all of the state and federal gun laws. Maybe you don't know if you can sell guns across state lines to a resident of another state, like North Carolina or West Virginia. Perhaps you're wondering if you have to check to see if buyers have handgun licenses, or you may not know all of the local laws about selling handguns and long guns.

Of course, you can always consult an attorney for legal advice related to selling a gun. However, to make things easier for yourself and to make sure you don't violate any laws, consider selling unwanted firearms to pawn and gun shops like Chesapeake Pawn and Gun. We are an FFL dealer with a federal firearms license. It's our job to be fully up to date on anything and everything related to buying and selling guns, so you can feel comfortable selling to firearms dealers like us. Visit your local licensed dealer today to sell your gun without the legal woes or safety issues. We'll handle the bill of sale and all required paperwork, so you shouldn't have anything to worry about with your firearm transfers when you choose us.

Firearm case

If you're wondering about the best practices when selling a gun, you may want to avoid becoming one of the private sellers of firearms that are out there. Instead, follow federal law and state laws, and come to Chesapeake Pawn & Gun when you're ready to make firearm sales. It's truly the best and easiest way to sell a gun. If you're looking for the best local gun shop and pawn store, you can stop your search now. At our Chesapeake pawn and gun store, the sale of firearms is just one thing we focus on. We also buy guns for a fair price and make loans on guns, too. We are truly the best place in Hampton Roads for pretty much anything related to firearms, and we always follow all legal requirements. Also, if you're interested in buying a new gun or used gun, we can help with that, too! We offer a great way to buy a firearm for a great deal.

Chesapeake Pawn & Gun



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